Can Mindfulness Increase Productivity?

Ever find yourself reminiscing? Or thinking about what your future will look like? That is normal for most people. But when we find ourselves doing it more and more, it can overtake the present. We can find ourselves spending most of our day thinking about past and future events or daydreaming right through our workday. That doesn’t prove to be very productive. We shouldn’t live so much in one frame of time that it hinders us from doing what’s needed. So balance is important. When we don’t have that balance, it can impact our daily production levels. That is why mindfulness is so important.

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Clean Eating on a Budget

Who else LOVES summertime. It is easily my favorite season. I love the warmth, the sunshine, the longer days, the seemingly more relaxed pace of life. I. LOVE. SUMMER. But, summer has some not great aspects as well… Bugs. Sunburns. Unfriendly plants. Heat. Filthy kids. That’s when I bring out the trusty ol’ essential oils to tackle all the side effects of summer fun! Here are my Top 5 Essential Oils for Summertime Fun

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