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Read MoreWhat is Faith-Based Self-Healing?

As I have journeyed along this thing called life, I am constantly researching and reading and trying to satiate my never-ending desire to learn about aaallllll the things. From a very early age, I recognized that I struggled with mental and emotional health, but I grew up in a family that really didn’t “do” emotions. Yeah, we experienced emotions, but it was never something that we really talked about or that I was taught how to manage. When I became an adult and realized it was high-time to do something about my mental health, the doctors wanted me to pop all the pills, the therapist wanted to “talk through things,” and the ministers wanted me to pray for healing. This resulted in years of a roller coaster ride of trying to find the right concoction of pills, the right therapist that actually helped, and the right prayer that would result in God healing me. I would get to feeling pretty good and then some life-changing event would happen, and I was back at ground zero. It. Was. Rough. It would take a process of self-healing that would also include a heavy reliance on faith.
Fast forward to roughly 8 years ago, and I was at the end of my rope. I decided to take a break from my career and spend a year just trying to enjoy life (and living quite spontaneously, if we’re being honest). In that year, though, I discovered and started my journey of self-healing and recognizing that God belongs in that journey. I realized that I needed to PARTNER with God, not just sit on Earth like a helpless victim waiting for Him to solve all my problems. No, I had to put in work on my end so he could do His part of the work.
So what exactly is faith-based self-healing? For me, it is placing God at the center of all of my efforts. It is praying for him to place the right people and tools in my life that will help me on my journey. It is recognizing that all good things come from Him. It is surrendering to His plan and letting Him guide the journey. It is adopting an “attitude of gratitude” for all the blessings in my life even on the dark days. It is leaning on Him to help in the seasons of struggle, while praising Him in the seasons of celebration. It is being purposeful in spending time alone with Him every single day and letting Him be an integral part of my day-to-day life. Faith-based self-healing is truly partnering with God in all things and letting Him work miracles as you put in effort as well.
Now let’s discuss how this plays into how I work with clients…
You are at the beginning of your journey… do not be disillusioned into thinking that life is all rainbows and butterflies once you start truly partnering with God. That is not how this works. Throughout the Bible, scripture tells us that “in this life, there will be trouble” and to “not worry about tomorrow… for today’s troubles are enough for today.” I am not promoting prosperity gospel here, rather promoting a genuine relationship with God as you face your troubles head-on and leaning on Him to help guide you through the journey of healing and living out your purpose as God has planned.
You don’t share these same beliefs/are not a Christian… can you still work with me? Of course!! I will not impress my belief system upon you. Yes, I will partner with God to guide me in how to best help you… what modalities, what recommendations, etc… but I will not become an evangel to convert you into a Christian. I respect your beliefs and values, and will adapt my services to what best serves you. For instance, instead of meditating on scripture/God, you may meditate with Mother Nature/Universe/Higher Source. Just because God is the focal point of my journey and what I’m offering to clients, it does not mean you have to have Him as your focal point. Everything can be adapted for your comfort level.
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